She holds a PhD in Law and Social Sciences from the Law School of the Universidad de la República - Montevideo Uruguay (UDELAR). She is a specialist in Science, Technology and Innovation Management graduated from Universidad General Sarmiento (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Since 1995 she has been teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses at UDELAR - School of Chemistry in the areas of Pharmaceutical Law, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property. She was a consultant on Intellectual Property issues for the Presidency of the Republic during the Uruguay - USA negotiations between 2006-2007 and for the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) between 2008 and 2012. Since 2003 she has been advising on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer issues in different fields of technology from the law firm OPH Estudio Jurídico.
Jorge holds a Master of Law and a Doctorate in Civil Law, as well as a Master of Business Administration, from the National University of Costa Rica. He is an international jurist in biodiversity law and legal aspects relating to access and benefit sharing, and a professor in the graduate program in law at the University of Costa Rica. Jorge is a legal advisor to the National Institute for Biodiversity in Costa Rica, a consultant, and lead counsel for biodiversity at the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL).
Valentina studied law at the University of Buenos Aires. She holds a Master of Arts in International Relations from the American University (Washington, DC) and a Doctorate in International Law from the University of Buenos Aires. She is currently the Academic Secretary of FLACSO Argentina, Director of the Program of Rights and Public Goods and Academic Director of the Master's Degree in Intellectual Property at FLACSO Argentina. Valentina teaches International Economic Public Law and Intellectual Property at the University of Buenos Aires and at FLACSO Argentina. She gives classes and lectures as a guest at other national universities and centers as well as at foreign universities.
Carlos studied economics and obtained a Doctor of Laws from the University of Buenos Aires. He is Executive Director of the South Centre (Geneva) and a member of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Industrial Law and Economics (CEIDIE) of the University of Buenos Aires. Carlos is a Guest Professor at the Universities of Strasbourg and Turin. He has been a consultant to UNCTAD, UNIDO, FAO, SELA, ECLAC, WHO, the Board of the Cartagena Agreement, IDB, the World Bank, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the South Centre and other regional and United Nations agencies on intellectual property, development and technology transfer.
Calixto Salomão Filho is a Full Professor at the University of São Paulo Law School since 2002 and Professor at the Institut d´etudes politiques de Paris (Science Po) since 2.007. He has been a visiting professor or fellow in different institutions (Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationals Privatrecht of Hamburg - visiting fellow – 1991/1992 and 1993); Yale Law School (visiting professor, 2.017, visiting fellow, John M. Olin Fellowship for Studies in Capitalism, 1998- 1999); and Harvard Law School (visiting scholar, 2.003) and is currently member of the Academic Council of the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School. He has written on topics as antitrust, regulation, corporate law, patent law, economic law and law and development.
Patricia Peck studied law at University of São Paulo. She holds a PhD at International Law at the same University and is the founder partner and CEO of a Attorney Office with more than 100 lawyers with more than 20 years of practice in Brazil. She is currently Council Member at Brazilian Data Protection Authority (CNPD-ANPD) and President of the Special Comission of Privacy and Data Protection at OAB/SP. Awarded with 5 Military Medals. Author of 33 Books on Law and Technology. She gives lectures and classes as a guest at national and foreign Universities.
After studying law at the University of Buenos Aires, Mariano was awarded a Master of Laws by the George Washington University Law School. He is a full professor of Commercial Law and a researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Industrial Law and Economics (CEIDIE) of the University of Buenos Aires. He is also a member of the Board of Directors, representing the faculty, and Secretary of the Department of Economic and Business Law at the University. He has served as a consultant to the IDB, UNCTAD, WIPO and the Government of Peru. He has worked on technology transfer issues, especially in the pharmaceutical field, and the legislative and regulatory implementation of the intellectual property provisions of free trade agreements.
Christian is Senior Professor of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (UCSC, Chile). He is Lawyer (Bachelor of Law, Universidad de Concepción) and Master in Business Administration (MBA), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Since 2001, academic of the Law School of UCSC and former Vice-Chancellor of this university (2016–2021).
Author of more than 30 scientific papers about intellectual property rights in Chile and other countries; and also, of 3 books on the subject. He is a consultant for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and a legal advisor on intellectual property matters. Member of International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), Chilean Association of Intellectual Property (ACHIPI), and board member of Licensing Executives Society Chile (LES Chile) and Technology Managers Network (Red GT), as well as part of the Civil Society Council of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI).
Clemente is a full Professor at the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia) with a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University. He acts as consultant for several international organizations. In 2019 he was designated by President Duque of Colombia as one of 42 members of the Colombia Council of Experts to work on the development of science, technology, and innovation in the country. His areas of research include organization theory, innovation, science and technology.
Marcelo studied law at the University of Buenos Aires and was awarded a Master of Laws from Queen Mary University (London). He is Director of South-South Cooperation at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Senior Advisor at WIPO. He has advised several countries and organizations in intellectual property matters.
Ana María holds a Master of Laws and a Doctorate from the University of Augsburg (Germany). She is IP Expert for the IP Key Latin America Project financed by the European Union. She teaches courses in master and doctoral programs at various Latin American and European universities. Besides being an international consultant in the field of intellectual property, Ana María is a Partner at the firm Pacón & Schiantarelli Abogados. She has been President of the Intellectual Property Chamber of the INDECOPI Court. She also has been consultant for international organizations such as the WIPO .
Currently is Research Professor CENTRUM Catolica Graduate Business School, Pontifícia Universidad Católia del Peru. Senior Professor (1972-2020) and Director of the Center for Intellectual Property, Competition, Consumer and Trade, Graduate School of Business, Universidad ESAN. He teaches macroeconomics, innovation and intellectual property, industrial organization and free competition, public policies, geopolitics and environmental sustainability. Author of a dozen books and about 100 academic articles published in international journals. Researcher Carlos Monge Medrano II. Co-author of the Evaluation of the World Intellectual Property Organization's Global Technical Assistance Program, Geneva (2011).