During the event, the different compulsory licenses for patents were discussed within the framework of national legislations in Latin America, as well as the multilateral framework of the WTO and the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. In addition, the different characteristics of compulsory licences were discussed, as well as the public non-commercial use and which elements should be considered within the regulations.
Mariano Genovesi (Argentina)
Guillermo Vidaurreta (Argentina)
Juan Correa (Argentina)
Nicolas Hermida (Argentina)
Roxana Blasetti (Argentina)
Matthias Lamping (Germany)
Francisco Beneke (Germany)
Reto Hilty (Germany)
Pedro Marcos Nunes Barbosa (Brazil)
Pedro Batista (Brazil)
Juliana Krueger Pela (Brazil)
Gabriel Venco Texeira da Cunha (Brazil)
Javier Freire (Ecuador)
Luis Villaroel (Chile)
Manuel Guerrero Gaitan (Colombia)
Carlos Conde (Colombia)
Andrea Barrios (Uruguay)