
Workshop on trade secrets and test data protection
07-12-2023 - 07-12-2023

The participants expressed their views on the difficulties or lack of information from their respective countries in answering the questions sent for the comparative study. The questionnaire, consisting of several sections, addresses the procedural as well as legal issues of trade secrets and test data and the interaction of this law with other legal regimes such as labour or criminal law.




1.             (Int.) Francisco Beneke

2.             (Int.) Gabriel Severo Venco Teixeira da Cunha

3.             (Int.) Matthias Lamping

4.             (Int.) Nicolás Hermida

5.             (Int.) Pedro Henrique D. Batista

6.             (Int.) Reto M. Hilty

7.             (Int.) Roxana Carmen Blasetti

8.             (Int.) Juan Correa

9.             (Ext.) Manuel Guerrero

10.          (Ext.) Juliana Krueger Pela

11.          (Ext.)Andrea Kluber Barrios

12.          (Ext.)Karla Fiorella Minutti

13.          (Ext.)Jose Manuel Alvarez Zarate